This is why I miss living in San Diego. My adorable nieces and family are all there. We had fun at Sea port village. Sea gulls are crazy birds and went nuts on Avea trying to snatch her food every 2 seconds. So the picture of the big girls holding Aveas hands after they saved her from the "monter bitch" Avea calls "Birds" the B word its so funny. We keep trying to get her to say Bird and its comes out BIT...
Annelise LOVES Caley and still is talking about her specal play day with Caley.
Pictures from Choles 1st Birthday(Kara's little girl) at Grandma Ednas. It was so good to see family in the short time we were in San Diego for Thanksgiving break.
So yes its true were having a house built in Springville Utah. It is a very cute town right next to Provo. Its South of Orem off the I15. We loved the area and it was in our price range. We have sure been though a lot here in Utah. Its only made us stronger as people as we have been in some serious counseling. So this home for us represents Love, Change, Growth and Welcomed visitors. Our move in date is the 22nd only a few weeks away. Were hoping they get it done sooner though. Here a few picture's of whats happening so far with it. I got a call today saying they have added outside brick and Stucco. They have done this much in only a few weeks with freezing weather.
SO we went on the "Polar Express train Ride to the North pole"..We had a fun time with my cousin Melissa and her family as we bored ed the Heber Vally Railroad. They had it themed to the book the Polar Express. Elf's greeted us as they danced and served Hot Coco and cookies. Mrs. Clause came aboard along with her darling husband "Santa" and like the movie Santa give all the kids a bell and said "I believe". We sang Christmas's carols. Our favourite was "O' Holy night". I how ever froze my bum off. The Train car we road in was almost a 100 years old(me having a love for trains and history thought it was so awesome) and I don't think it was heated. It happened to be a chilly 5 outside with a wind shield of 10below. The kids had their PJ'S on and bundled in huge coats. Aveas feet were cold so I give her my coat to keep her warm as I shivered the whole time with numb hands and feet. It was all worth it though. The Train stoped at the North Pole to pick up Santa (it was cool I felt 5 again). Annelise could hardly keep still. I love the pcitures of her looking at Santa as he came abord our Train car. We also read the story which added to the excitement. It really felt like Christmas had arrived in Utah as we had the first real snow storm of the season.
Do you know how hard it is to take your own kids pictures? Then to try and have them turn out with both kids smiling. Oh and not to have odd objects in the pictures? Not to mention on your way out the door to church with tired grumpy children. Our ward starts at 1pm it sucks because that's nap time for everyone. Well it was nuts as Ryan and I attempted to take a shot at it. I am so sick of spending way too much money on picture's from Sears or JC pennys after this day I think will leave it to the pros. LOL. We had fun though and laughed are heads off. Love how Shamu is going to attack them, thanks Ryan :-). Avea got away and went for the tree a few times. All for the sake of Christmas card pictures. I think I'll send out the one of them both looking so serious very 18th century.
These are a few pics from Aveas 1st trip to visit The Happiest Place on Earth "Disneyland".
We had breakfast with Minnie and the girls just loved all the attention from Minnie, and the Winnie Pooh gang. There were so many charterers they kept coming out of the wood work. Ryan and I felt like little kids at one point I think we were laughing harder than the kids.. LOL.
Thanks Ryan for having us tag along on your business trip. We got to stay at Disney's California adventure all on the company. He he. Over all we had a super relaxing and very memorable week!
My girs are growing way to fast! I've been looking back and found this Pic. Annelise had rocked her to sleep and when I took the pic the flash woke her up. Shes an awesome Big Sister